18, 19 en 20 March 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem

Flottweg Nederland BV

Flottweg Nederland BV

Over ons

Flottweg Netherlands is a specialist in separation technology and offers all the knowledge and means to separate large quantities of liquids and solids in industrial processes, such as water treatment plants in companies or municipalities.

Specifically for water treatment plants, Flottweg has developed two special Decanter centrifuges, the C series and recently the new X series.

The centrifuge separates the liquid and the solid, thereby minimizing the transport of water and other liquids to the landfill. This saves you high transport costs and reduces your CO2 emissions.

To work even more flexibly and at lower costs, we recently added the line of mobile units, which can be used per project for short or longer periods of time.



Project Sales Engineer

Your personal happiness?

Before you start reading our vacancies, we want to know whether you recognize yourself in one of the following points:

* How do you want to develop further and what really energizes you?
* You do not want to be judged on what you “cannot do” but on what you “can do”.
* You want to contribute to a “better world”.
* How do you handle a lot of freedom and responsibilities in your job?
* We are an employer that values home as much as work
* Important that you go home as happy as you go to work; it’s like not working 😉
* Your colleagues support you when times are tough and vice versa
* We do not hold performance reviews but rather ask “how are you doing” and “what do you need”?
* No management except for one orchestra leader who runs the joint with you as the owner.

Have we more than stimulated your senses with this?
Then we invite you to read the vacancies below and apply!


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