
High-Resolution CFD Modeling: Transforming the Water and Wastewater Industry
INVENT Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik AG, a company with deep roots in fluid mechanics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, has been a pioneer in CFD simulations for wastewater applications since its creation. Read more!

Bouwteamovereenkomst voor renovatie monumentaal gemaal A.F. Stroink getekend
Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta (WDOD) en Van Hattum en Blankevoort slaan de handen ineen voor de renovatie van het monumentale gemaal A.F. Stroink in Vollenhove. Op 20 december is de bouwteamovereenkomst officieel ondertekend.

Effective removal of 1,4-dioxane from industrial wastewater with Advanox
In chemical processes, the very toxic substance dioxane can be generated. Van Remmen UV Technology prevents this substance from ending up in nature and eventually drinking water by supporting the chemical industry with a innovative advanced oxidation.

Rent a USV from Mobile Survey BV for survey work: Flexible, Efficient and Cost-effective
For accurate, efficient and safe sounding and measuring projects, Mobile Survey BV offers the option to rent a professional USV, with or without operator. Ideal for companies and governments that want to achieve top results flexibly.

Bio-GAK pilot for the removal of pharmaceutical residues and phosphate from purified wastewater
A promising pilot (Bio-GAK) has been carried out at the Pure Water Factory in Emmen with the aim of removing pharmaceutical residues and phosphate from purified wastewater using aerated activated carbon granules.

Sustainable water treatment Delfzijl, MBR and Chemistry
Due to an increasing supply of industrial wastewater from the Oosterhorn industrial area in Farmsum, North Water Wastewater (NWA) wants to expand wastewater treatment and install an industrial water pumping station and a demineralized water installation.