18, 19 en 20 March 2025 | Evenementenhal Gorinchem

Tightening requirements 60 discharges to the Wadden Sea
Bilfinger Tebodin

Tightening requirements 60 discharges to the Wadden Sea

Wastewater discharges to surface waters are currently under pressure, striving to meet the objectives of the Water Framework Directive (WFD).



A critical review of discharge permits of direct and indirect dischargers into the Wadden Sea by the water authority (Rijkswaterstaat) revealed that the discharges and associated data of various substances are not up to date. This has resulted in public and political attention. Various media, including the Dagblad van het Noorden and the Volkskrant, have recently published articles about the discharges. In addition, six motions have been submitted to the House of Representatives, at least two of which have been adopted, namely:
1. The government should provide a publicly accessible survey of discharges.
2. The government must investigate whether the system for establishing Best Available Techniques is sufficient to protect the Wadden area.

Companies that discharge directly or indirectly into the Wadden Sea will have their discharge permits reviewed. There will be an extra focus on the cumulative effects of substances on the water quality of the Wadden Sea. Indirect dischargers also include companies that discharge into the sewage treatment plant, which then discharges into the Wadden Sea.

Water Framework Directive
The WFD objectives and improvement program aims to improve the water quality in the Netherlands according to EU agreements. EU member states must meet standards for water quality, groundwater resources and water conditions, as laid down in the WFD, by 2027 to protect and improve water resources.


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